Shockingly, a Grindhouse-style film emerges, revolving around the Pizzagate controversy, and surprisingly, it seems quite engaging.
In the realm of B-movie production, a title that sends shivers down many spines is none other than "Duncan." This grindhouse flick is set to delve into the controversial and unfounded Pizzagate theory, but with a unique twist – transplanting the hysteria to Austin, Texas, a city known as the homebase of InfoWars peddler Alex Jones.
The theory, Pizzagate, originated in 2016, initially percolating through online forums like 4chan and Reddit. Pizzagate was fueled by the release of hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, and claimed that a pizza restaurant in D.C., Comet Ping Pong, was the epicenter of a sordid pedophile ring involving high-ranking Democrats and celebrities. Alarmingly, this theory incited harassment of the restaurant's owner and employees, and even resulted in a violent incident where an armed individual stormed the restaurant to "self-investigate," discharging his firearm inside the crowded establishment.
Fast forward to modern times, and we find director John Valley's Duncan in production, exploring the toxic and depraved fallout of Pizzagate. The story centers around a far-right militiaman, Duncan, joining forces with a conspiracy theorist, who is convinced that Tootz Pizza in Austin is a front for lizard people kidnapping children.
As we eagerly await the release of Duncan, it's important to address the underlying intentions behind the film. Contrary to speculation, the project is not an endorsement of Pizzagate or its supporting factions. In fact, director John Valley has made it clear that the movie is far from it, stating that the film is not an attempt to discredit or diminish the severity of human trafficking or sexual abuse. Rather, it looks at the troubled character of the story's protagonist through an empathetic lens, new developments in its production only amplifying its relevance.
As much as we crave order in a chaotic world, Valley's film does not leave us wishing for a more recognizable identity in the Pizzagate crowd. Instead, it highlights the commonality between the distorted worldviews of the conspiracy theorists and the audience, ultimately serving as a mirror to our own fears and desires for order and control.
The movie's score, influenced by John Carpenter's signature sound, is now available for listening pleasure on YouTube. If, like many, you're eager to immerse yourself in the surreal world of Duncan, keep an eye out for its release date as 2020 draws to a close.
The inclusion of Pizzagate in the movie "Duncan" highlights the role of technology in spreading controversial theories, as the theory gained traction through online platforms like 4chan and Reddit. Despite the film's exploration of Pizzagate, it's crucial to distinguish between fact and fiction, as director John Valley has clarified that the movie is not an endorsement of the theory. In the future, movies like "Duncan" serve as a reminder of the severity of spreading unfounded rumors and their potential consequences. Furthermore, the use of a supplement of John Carpenter's music in the film adds an extra layer of suspense and anticipation, making it more appealing to the audience.